在 Github 上逛知名專案時,有沒有發現他們都有一個共同點: 文件豐富,有許多專案甚至會專門建立一個網站做
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其實啊,專案剛起步時,我們可以先從基礎的做起,例如這些被 check in 在各個知名 Git Repositories 中的文件
在 Github 上逛知名專案時,有沒有發現他們都有一個共同點: 文件豐富,有許多專案甚至會專門建立一個網站做
其實啊,專案剛起步時,我們可以先從基礎的做起,例如這些被 check in 在各個知名 Git Repositories 中的文件
Unite Your Angular Coding Style With Teammates By Visual Studio Code & ESLint & Prettier
Hello Visitor ~
Todays I will guide you to setup Visual Studio Code and ESLint and Prettier, let editor auto-format and auto-fix your code for you and your coworker or contributor, it will becomes your lifesaver, free your hands on fixing errors and align coding style with teammates.
Let me read those documents, and organize things for you.
There are only 3 steps for you, it is very easy to follow my steps to set everything up
Use Finite-state Machine to manage state
Main Elements:
event 1
from state A
to state B
changed then act action
Make your PowerShell fancy by Windows Terminal and Oh My Posh
Follow steps in this article, and the result will look like this
There are only 6 steps to do
Maybe only need to takes 15 mins to set everything right.
目前 Docker for Mac 最方便的安裝方法就是使用 Homebrew Cask 安裝,打開 Terminal,輸入:
1 | brew cask install docker |
安裝成功後打開 Docker.app
當安裝完成後,我們就能在右上角的工具欄看到鯨魚 🐳 icon
What is the expression index?
According to the description from Wikipedia
An expression index, also known as a function based index, is a database index that is built on a generic expression, rather than one or more columns. This allows indexes to be defined for common query conditions that depend on data in a table, but are not actually stored in that table.
When you query on something that is computed from other columns frequently and want to speed it up, you will need this.
I will use PostgreSQL as an example in this article because it is my favorite database.
Ruby 與 C# 的 operators 蠻相近的,應該說整個程式圈的 operators 都大概長那樣阿,嗯,沒錯,本篇完
欸,不是,我們快速帶過相同用法的 operators ,然後聊聊有差異的地方,這樣總行了吧
我是一名使用 Ruby 與 JavaScript 開發的程式設計師,我愛寫 Ruby,這個語言讓我體會到寫程式的樂趣
不過很可惜的目前服務的公司並沒有使用 Ruby 而是用 C# 作為後端的開發語言
欣慰的是 C# 與 JavaScript 看起來挺像的,希望我能將以前物件導向與 JavaScript 的開發經驗映射到 C# 上,快速掌握這門語言
也因此最近都在看微軟官方的 C# documentation
吐槽一下,比起 MDN 或 Ruby Doc,微軟的文件似乎沒那麼好看,,且尚未支援 Dash 與 DevDocs,只能透過瀏覽器到此查閱
Win10 WSL combo : Terminus + Ubuntu + Oh My Zsh + Powerlevel10k
想在 Windows 上使用潮潮的 Linux 命令列嗎?
本篇將教你如何使用 WSL Ubuntu + Terminus + Oh My Zsh + Powerlevel10k 連續技,達到爽度十足的開發環境