Expression Index in RDBMS

What is the expression index?

According to the description from Wikipedia

An expression index, also known as a function based index, is a database index that is built on a generic expression, rather than one or more columns. This allows indexes to be defined for common query conditions that depend on data in a table, but are not actually stored in that table.

When you query on something that is computed from other columns frequently and want to speed it up, you will need this.

I will use PostgreSQL as an example in this article because it is my favorite database.

I have a profiles table which has a name column to store the name of users, and I already created an index for the name column

Then I want to select some profiles where lowercase name is xxx, so the query looks like below:

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE lower(name) = 'aaron yang';

Create Index

It is very simple to create an index, we need to use ( and ) to wrap the expression

CREATE INDEX index_profiles_on_lower_name ON profiles (lower(name));

After that we created an expression index, with condition is (lower((name)::text))

Explain Query

To make sure the index has been used.

EXPLAIN query before the expression index created

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE lower(name) = 'aaron yang';

As you may have noticed Seq Scan on profiles, it is a full table scan

Let’s try again, the same EXPLAIN query after expression index created

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE lower(name) = 'aaron yang';

Yeah, the query is using the expression index.

If your query still using the Seq Scan, that is because the rows of the table are too small, Postgres estimate seq scan will faster than using an index, see more here or here

Databases Compatibility

In 2020, most of the relation database supported this feature, but name it differently: expression index, function index

Some of the databases unsupported this feature, but there is a workaround for them.

Supported ✅

you can create an expression index directly.

Database Feature name Supported Version References
PostgreSQL Indexes on Expressions 9.5.0 and the above docs
SQLite Indexes on Expressions 3.9.0 and the above docs
Oracle Function-Based Indexes 8i and the above docs
MySQL Functional Key Parts 8.0.13 and the above docs

The feature name of databases is interesting, do you see the pattern? it shows PostgreSQL and SQLite are closer, and Oracle and MySQL are closer.

Unsupported ❌

but you can work around by creating a computed column then create an index on it.

|Database|Feature name|Supported Version||References|
|MariaDB|Indexes on Generated columns|10.2.3 and above support index on virtual column|docs|
|SQL Server|Indexes on Computed column|still can’t index on virtual but persisted column|docs|

Hello SQL Server?








